All players start a match with full condition shown as a battery next to the player. As the match plays out the players lose a small percentage of their condition per each minute played.

The drop in condition during a match is based on the player's resilience attribute. The higher his resilience is the less he will drop per minute played.

When a players condition is 0% the player will malfunction and he is forced to leave the pitch.

Besides the drop in condition per minute played, players can lose condition when they are hit by on-pitch violence from the opponents brutal players. This can cut of a big part of a player's condition if he gets hit.

A player with 50% condition (battery at half) will only be half as strong as he was when at 100% condition. So condition matters A LOT - so make sure to use your subs if a player reaches a critical level of condition.

After the match has ended, all players are repaired for a small fee, so they can be fully fit to play the next match.